Monday, January 11, 2010


Can't get much simpler than this! Sometimes less is more (and sometimes less just means getting pages completed, period!) Pluto, the bone, and his name are from Mickey and Friends. I finished the page off with some giant homemade photo corners--the striped paper is by Making Memories.
Thanks for looking!


Miss Jody said...

Ohh that is very cute! I have a Disney cart...used it yet, you ask? NOPE! I've had it for over a year now...geeze..I must get creative!

BirdScrap said...

Hi Jody! Thanks for your recent comments and for becoming a follower. I have a few cartridges that don't get used much--I need to get creative, too! The pages I'm posting right now were done in Nov/Dec. My family has needed more of my attention in the last month or so, and I haven't found the time/motivation to get crafty other than a few cards here and there. But my mind is spinning with ideas...

Sandy said...

This one is so much are such an inpiration...someday I will do my Disney album!

Djhs said...

gosh, I don't check in a day or so and you have more pages up!! good job. You'll hopefully have time soon to play!! Benedryl works at naptime!! :)