Well I try to keep this blog mainly crafting related, but I thought I'd post an update on Jacob. I guess it's indirectly related to crafting, since I've been spending my days (and nights) taking care of him, leaving not much time for play.
I wanted to write this down primarily so that I can remember what the doctors have said; I am very sleep deprived right now and I know that I will forget this in a few days' time if I don't have it written somewhere. :)
Jacob, at 3 1/2 months, weighs 16 pounds. Yes, he's a healthy eater and has never given us concern in that department! :) However, he has had a cough for 2 weeks now and in general he's just not himself. He still smiles and he doesn't fuss a lot, but he's not as happy/interactive/playful as he usually is.
In the last 48 hours:
*1 trip to urgent care
*1 ambulance ride (bringing his total to 2)
*1 trip to the Emergency Room (bringing his total to 2)
*1 chest x-ray (bringing his total to 3)
*2 dr.'s appointments
*9 breathing treatments
*3 doses of steroids
*1 shot
*3 prescriptions
So the dr.'s are saying that a viral infection triggered a "breathing episode" (very, very reluctant to officially confirm a diagnosis of asthma until he's much older). This breathing episode consisted of already small airways swelling, producing mucus, and pinching off in places (bronchospasms). Right now the breathing treatments and steroids are supposed to open up his airways and decrease the swelling. He will be on an inhaler with steroids for at least 1-2 months in the hopes that he will get to a point that his airways will be clear enough to breathe without struggling so much. His previous inhaler was not helping to clear his airways during this time. Already we have seen a marked improvement after yesterday's treatment in the dr.'s office but the steroids are wearing off much sooner than the dr. would hope. His dr. said to expect to see about a 10% improvement each day over the next week or so. We are hoping this to be the case. It is hard to see our baby struggle so much just to be able to breathe--at least now we have something that we can do to be proactive in his care.